Another day, another threatening e-mail from Aaron Jacob Greenspan. Today’s message was one he has delivered many times before: Keep quiet or I will find a way to hurt you –– emotionally, financially, physically, or all the above.
From: Aaron Greenspan <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: SanctionsAll,
I’ll give you an hour to make this post falsely calling me a “killer” disappear, or I again ask the Court for sanctions against all of your clients. Going forward I will request monetary sanctions per violation (e.g. tweet) of the Guidelines for Professional Conduct starting at $5,000.00, payable to the Court, since it does not appear you are getting the message.
Aaron Jacob Greenspan of PlainSite
Of course, nobody falsely accused Aaron Greenspan of being a murderer –– but the truth doesn’t matter to him. Greenspan is willing to lie and twist facts to a shocking degree to fabricate false accusations against his enemies for financial gain or just pure vengeance.
I’m disturbed by the lengths Aaron Greenspan and his charity Think Computer Foundation (doing business as PlainSite) have gone to try and hide the truth about their harassment campaign, which has targetted numerous Tesla customers in pursuit of financial gain. My mother, father, and aunt have separately expressed fears that either Aaron Greenspan or one of his followers might try and hurt me or even kill me. I can understand why ––They’ve been tagged in threatening messages, and videos showing TSLAQ members using firearms on Twitter as a result of the anonymous mob harassment campaign Greenspan has lead against me, all for tweeting that I didn’t think he invented Facebook.
I get no joy out of writing about how Aaron Greenspan has stalked and threatened me relentlessly since he doxxed me on my 25th birthday. I am forced to write about what’s happening for my own safety and protection. If anything happens to me or anyone else Aaron Greenspan has been threatening, I want people to know what was going on.
I believe that Aaron Greenspan knows that the information I’m sharing implicates the board of Think Computer Foundation in serious crimes and financial fraud that could lead to jail time. Time and time again, he’s shocked me with what he’s been willing to do to hide this information from the public –– he’s not afraid to break the law if he thinks he can get away with it. I don’t want to let my guard down again. I have no idea what he’s capable of doing to try and escape justice. Please save and share my story so that the truth will get out if anything happens to me. I’m working on getting Chapter 8 out soon, but it’s hard to find time to deal with Greenspan while maintaining my social and work life. Greenspan of course doesn’t have this problem.
Defending against Aaron Greenspan’s illegal SLAPP-suit has cost just over $90,000 so far. He wants to keep me quiet so I’ll be unable to defend myself against his absurd false accusations. Luckily, if we can prove that he is just lying to trying to silence legitimate journalism, Greenspan will have to pay the whole thing. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me. Without you, I would not have made it this far. I promise to do everything I can to get the truth out and try and bring these dangerous criminals to justice.
Think Computer Foundation, the charity that has been stalking and harassing me, is a Ohio 501 (c) (3) non-profit. The board of the charity is composed of Aaron Greenspan, Neil Greenspan, and Judith Greenspan who run the charity together. The organization’s federal EIN is 34-1937820.

Wow, fashion fiend Aaron! Turning from purple to yellow shirt now. What does it mean? Will we ever know?
You are one of the biggest bitches that SEC.