Merry Christmas everyone. This has been a tough year for all of us. Whether you’re with family or alone, I hope you enjoy your holidays. I have a feeling we have a much better year ahead of us.
Of course, I have to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for their love and support –– especially people who’ve chipped in to help defend against Aaron Greenspan’s absurd lawsuit against me and Elon Musk. You really have no idea how much it means to me. On top of all of Aaron Greenspan’s harassment and threats, he would have bankrupted me if hundreds of random strangers hadn’t stepped in to save me.

Whether you donated $5 or $5,000 thank you so much. If you’re one of those people, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for favors. I feel incredibly humbled and undeserving of this level of support. When I saw that $5,000 donation came in I was speechless –– it was a really emotional moment. The idea that someone would send me thousands of dollars of their own hard-earned money just to help me, asking nothing in return is just… I’m floored. Really, I’m at a loss for words and do not feel worthy of such an amazing audience. I really love you guys a lot, and you have to know I mean it. I’m going to work as hard as I can to be worthy of your support, and will memorize the names of every single person that donated so I can find a way to make it up to all of you. I have to especially thank Shawn Wylde who donated at least $15,000 and got attacked by Greenspan as a result. Hopefully, the judge will rule that this is a SLAPP suit and Aaron Greenspan will be forced to pay all the legal bills.
In total we’ve received 577 donations so far. That’s insane. That puts the average donation at just $110, and most were much smaller than that. This is the power of the internet –– hundreds of strangers chipping in a little bit to make a huge difference. Without you guys I would have had to give into to Aaron Greenspan’s demands, which I listed below.

Right now there’s around $30,000 of bills left to pay. That’s on top of $64,000 people have already donated. Isn’t that insane? Aaron Greenspan just keeps filing as many motions as possible to try and rack up the legal bills. He’s amended his lawsuit three times, filed two motions for sanctions on me and my lawyers (demanding the court order us to pay him $10,000 each), filed motions to hold us in contempt of court, and all kinds of nonsense like that before the judge has even ruled on the motion to dismiss and anti-SLAPP. Just talking to him and responding to all this stuff wastes a ton of time, money, and resources. At the end of the day he’s going to cost me tens of thousands of dollars even with all the donations, so if you even donated $1 I hope that gives you an idea of how much this means to me. You’ve given me the chance at a normal life after this over, saved me from Greenspan’s attacks, and most of all given me hope in humanity and in the future. Please join me in praying to God every night that the Judge orders Greenspan to pay all the legal fees, plus damages from abuse of copyright and other aggressive actions he’s taken to silence Tesla customers.
Back in September Aaron Greenspan agreed to drop the lawsuit if [redacted at Aaron Greenspan’s request to preserve confidential settlement communications]. That would have been [redacted] and easier than trying to defend against his dirty tricks, but saying no to that deal was the right thing to do. What Aaron Greenspan is doing is wrong and illegal, and I’m not going to give into his extortion tactics for as long as I can hold on. Thank you all so much for helping me hold on. The truth is going to come out, and once it does justice will be served.
For those curious about what Aaron Greenspan wanted for his settlement, here it is from the horses mouth:
This e-mail has been redacted for the time being.
Aaron Greenspan
What a jackass, right?
Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you again for everything. I don’t know if I would have been able to get through this without you.
Aaron Greenspan has filed an illegal SLAPP-suit against Elon Musk and Omar Qazi for bringing attention to allegations of tax fraud, securities fraud, cyberstalking, and criminal harassment by the Think Computer Foundation (doing business as PlainSite). If you can please donate to the Legal GoFundMe or via PayPal to make sure Aaron Jacob Greenspan is finally held accountable for his harassment of so many Tesla customers
P.S. I’ve heard some people say “why doesn’t Elon just pay the legal costs”. It’s a natural question to ask, given that he’s now like the second richest guy on Earth or something, but I don’t want his money nor would I ever ask. The problem is that Greenspan has been trying to push this conspiracy that Elon Musk is paying me or that we’re in cahoots somehow, and the fact that he hasn’t ever paid me anything is one of the strongest pieces of evidence I have that Greenspan has completely slandered me with baseless false accusations that he and his charity are criminally liable for. Aaron Greenspan is an incredibly deceptive and manipulative person, and he’s clearly trying to create a “trap” where I need Elon to help me so he can go “AHA! You are secretly getting paid by Elon Musk!”. I’m not going to fall into that trap if I can help it. I want to continue to give my honest opinions on Tesla and other companies and do not want to accept payment from Tesla or Elon Musk or anyone else I’m covering. Elon has asked me about legal costs, but I told him that hopefully the donations would cover it. If Elon gives me any money Greenspan will try and make some bullshit case that we broke all kinds of laws, and I want to avoid that as much as possible. Really, Elon has done more to help me than anyone could have asked for just by speaking up against Greenspan’s harassment of Tesla customers. He’s a good guy.
Keep it up Omar! 💪🏻
Merry Christmas!
Omar, want to send some € to help but don’t have PayPal and my cards keep getting blocked on the gofundme. Hit me a messe @ Twitter to check other possibilities (@PortugalTesla). Merry Christmas
Hey Omar
Happy Christmas! – I don’t know how else to contact you, so here goes..
I’ve been donating what I can to the cause but I’m a bit broke since buying my Model 3 and saving up for a house! The Model 3 was your fault btw 🙂
Anyway, I was the one “obsessing” over “Jim” on Twitter when you were still on the platform. I really hope he is Aaron’s fiction now because, well that would be weird otherwise!!
I’d like to put an offer out there to help with anything you need a hand with while going through all of this. We have some stuff in common. Happy to catch up sometime. I’ll put my legit details in the form.
All the best
Jim’s friend
hahahah. thank you so much for offering but I think things are alright for now. I will keep you guys posted. Take care of yourself and your model 3 first 😂
Stay Strong and never give up!
Good luck, Omar! My $50 donation was modest, but I am a person of almost zero net worth. If I get in better financial waters I’d love to help again, no questions asked. If I can do anything where you could use my skills, hit me up, you know how to find me.
Best of luck, you got this, mate!
Thank you so much it means a lot 🙂
By any chance do you take Bitcoin?
sure 🙂 3FQ276fv7TX4zQnvdecQPTWqqn5r7QV26Q
Guess who the alter ego John Fuenchem is?