Quick announcement –– Last week I told the Third Row team I would transition from being a “host” of the podcast to being a “guest” or guest host on the podcast.
What does this mean from a practical perspective? Not much. I don’t want to abandon the team and will likely still come on podcasts if there’s an interesting guest or discussion (and there are some very interesting ones coming up). It’s more of just a title change to align with the reality of the situation.
Hopefully this might help Gali and Vincent return if they want to, to the extent that they were concerned about taking heat for being on the same podcast as me. The podcast was actually a very loosely structured amateur show, but people still often tried to exert pressure on other members of the podcast because of me as if we all worked for the same company or something.
I disagree with the decision to bend to pressure from rivals, and want to keep the promise I made in my Response to Frederic to not let anyone bully me out of saying what I believe. I don’t want to let our fans down, Elon and Tesla down, or let the truth get lost in all the nonsense.
One of our followers set up a @wholemarslog Twitter account to post stuff I write here on Twitter. Give it a follow if you want to keep up.
P.S. Comments like this one make it all worth it:

I’d love to have you as a guest on my YouTube channel sometime. I have 11,000 subs. I do a lot of Tesla related videos and would love to get your thoughts on some topics.
that could be cool, shoot me an email if you feel like doing it sometime!
[email protected] if you want to e-mail me.
Sad to see a slimmed down third row, but enjoyed immensely your video with George Hotz of comma.ai. The three of you asked great questions with good insight. I thought maybe George seemed a little tetchy at the start but that soon melted away and I think you all got some golden nuggets out of him (esp. gossip tidbits).
Great show. Don’t wander off too far. 👍
it’ll all work out for the best somehow i’m sure
I’m sorry about Third Row Tesla Podcast. We need all types to get others to transition.
Joe Rogan called out Carlos Mencia when he was busted for stealing up & coming comedians’ jokes.
If you felt Frederic was being a piece of shit and hurting the community, I believed you. You are passionate and speak your mind. We need guys & gals like you to speak up and tell it like it is. Just like Rogan punked out Mencia.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks! I think everything will work out for the best.
Aww man that’s a bummer, you have always been very entertaining on the podcast and especially the twitter feed. I hope you get back on twitter soon. Thanks for all your FUD fighting!
Thanks man! Shouldn’t change things too much I’ll probably still be on upcoming episodes.