Travis Kalanick is Selling His Uber Stock as Fast as Possible

Tom Metcalf has the scoop at Bloomberg: The Uber Technologies Inc. co-founder unloaded $350 million more of stock this month, bringing his proceeds to more than $2.1 billion since a share lockup ended Nov. 6. Bloomberg You read that right –– retail bagholders have now paid the Uber founder $2.1 billion in cash for his share of the world’s […]

Used EVs, Solar, and Wind: More Details on Green Tax Credits

After reporting that congress was likely to extend the tax credit for new electric vehicles, we’ve reviewed the text of one draft bill that may be in consideration. Now, it’s important to note a few things: We don’t know that this draft bill that was introduced in the house is what’s going to make it […]

EV Tax Credit Likely to Be Extended: Cap Raised from 200k to 600k for $7,000 Tax Credit

Interesting story over at MarketWatch: Tesla TSLA, -0.36%  , General Motors GM, -1.25%  and other players in the electric-vehicles sector have a role in the scramble around a possible tax package with so-called “tax extenders,” as they could score an expansion for a key EV credit. MarketWatch Ohhhh helllloooooo! Thanks to bipartisan, broad-based support, we believe the EV tax-credit extension is […]

US & China Agree to Limit Trade War

Un­der what the coun­tries call “phase one” of the agree­ment, the U.S. would can­cel plans to im­pose new tar­iffs on $156 bil­lion in an­nual im­ports of cell­phones, toys and other prod­ucts on Sun­day and would also re­duce the tar­iff rate on a pre­vi­ous tranche of roughly $120 bil­lion of goods to 7.5%, down from 15%, […]

Massive Unprecedented Fossil Fuel Writedown Sweeps Energy Sector

Christopher M. Matthews and Rebecca Elliott have a great report out on the news from Chevron yesterday: Chevron Corp. is writing down the value of its assets by more than $10 billion, a concession that in an age of abundant oil and gas some of its holdings won’t be profitable anytime soon. The Wall Street Journal Chevron […]

Viv Releases New Tesla Corsa Video

Tesla fan and designer Viv has a new video out about Tesla Corsa: Wanna race? Tesla Corsa is *the* opportunity to explore the limits of your @Tesla in a controlled environment — ensuring maximum fun, safety & absence of speeding tickets. Next session December 22 @ Buttonwillow Raceway 🏎 Massive shoutout to @Sofiaan 💥 @elonmusk […]