Chapter 7: Who is Aaron Greenspan?

If you can, please donate to the legal fund via GoFundMe or PayPal. Previous Chapter: Meet Aaron Jacob Greenspan Table of Contents This chapter is so long it needs its own table of contents. Come back to it if you can’t read the whole thing at once, or just skim through. Greenspan Meets Streisand Shaker […]

Dan Rose Shares the Story Behind AWS

Check out this Twitter thread: I was at Amzn in 2000 when the internet bubble popped. Capital markets dried up & we were burning $1B/yr. Our biggest expense was datacenter -> expensive Sun servers. We spent a year ripping out Sun & replacing with HP/Linux, which formed the foundation for AWS. The backstory: — Dan […]

John Gruber on Project Titan

For those who don’t know John Gruber and his blog Daring Fireball, he’s one of the most knowledgeable Apple writers out there. He’s been using Apple products since the beginning, and really understands how Apple operates and what makes them special. His writing and podcasts have always inspired me, and I highly recommend checking them […]