Aaron Greenspan Sends Dozenth DMCA Takedown Notice, This Time to Hide Evidence of Criminal Activity at Harvard

Did you like our story about how Aaron Greenspan tried to steal Harvard students’ school usernames and passwords and almost got expelled for doing so? Well, Aaron Greenspan didn’t. We’ve covered this issue before, in an article titled “Aaron Greenspan Tries to Remove Book Review: How Evil People Abuse the DMCA to Silence Critics“. The […]

Aaron Greenspan Delivers Christmas Day Threat

Aaron Greenspan has begun to retaliate for the publication of the story of his charity’s harassment campaign. On Christmas Day at 4:05 PM, Aaron Jacob Greenspan delivered the following threat legal threat: Just three hours later, he began attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Whole Mars admin interface. What a way to spend Christmas! […]

Aaron Greenspan Attempts to Hack into Whole Mars

As we continue to publish the story of Aaron Greenspan and his fraudulent charity PlainSite’s harassment campaign against Tesla customers, it appears that Greenspan spent Christmas attempting to hack into the admin interface for this website. Ostensibly, he hoped to gain unauthorized access to Whole Mars to remove the story, disrupt this site, or preview […]

Merry Christmas, and Thank You ♥️

Merry Christmas everyone. This has been a tough year for all of us. Whether you’re with family or alone, I hope you enjoy your holidays. I have a feeling we have a much better year ahead of us. Of course, I have to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart […]

Chapter 6: Meet Aaron Jacob Greenspan

If you can, please donate to the legal fund via GoFundMe or PayPal. Previous Chapter: Trolling the Trolls | Next Chapter: Who is Aaron Greenspan? Greenspan’s Birthday Gift I was 25 years old the day Aaron Jacob Greenspan doxxed me. I remember, because he did it on my birthday. While everyone was sending me birthday […]

Chapter 5: Trolling the Trolls

If you can, please donate to the legal fund via GoFundMe or PayPal. Previous Chapter: Meet TSLAQ | Next Chapter: Aaron Jacob Greenspan As 2018 came to a close, anti-Tesla & anti-EV tweets filled my Twitter timeline –– not just from TSLAQ, but from trusted mainstream news sources too. It really made me sad to see every day. […]

Chapter 4: Meet $TSLAQ

If you can, please donate to the legal fund via GoFundMe or PayPal. Aaron Greenspan is suing me, Elon Musk, and Tesla and I really need your help. Previous Chapter: Me and My Model 3 | Next Chapter: Trolling the Trolls For people coming from Twitter: This chapter is part of the story of how […]

Chapter 3: Me and My Model 3

If you can, please donate to the legal fund via GoFundMe or PayPal. Previous Chapter: Everything Goes to Shit | Next Chapter: Meet $TSLAQ My Tesla Model 3 made me happy again. Before I got it I would dread getting up in the morning. Things just seemed to get worse every day, so I never […]